Talliston House & Gardens Virtual Tour
Vitrual Tours & Sound Walks Talliston House & Gardens Vitrual Tours & Sound Walks

About >>
This Virtual Tour consists of fifty-two spherical panoramas and fifty minutes of audio commentary. The tour has been created using spherical photographic panoramas, sometimes known as 360° photographs, taken in various locations around the property.

The start of the tour is freely available on a 'try before you buy' basis. This allows you to view the first parts and check that you can hear the audio on whatever device you are using. When you get to the end of the free sample, if you would like to see the rest of the tour, you will need to make a payment with PayPal. Please note that you do not need to have a PayPal account to make the payment, you can pay just by using a credit or debit card.

Once a payment has been made, click the blue PayPal Return to Merchant button and you'll immediately be redirected back to the next panorama in the tour, from where you can explore the whole of the house and gardens.

If you do chose to buy the tour please note that you are allowed to share the link to it with friends and on social media. The easiest way to share it is just to use the share feature in your device's browser. Access to the tour is valid for up to ten days, or thirteen views, whichever comes first. Further instructions relating that are provided once you have purchased the Virtual Tour.

We would like to point out that all proceeds taken go towards the upkeep and maintenance of Talliston House & Gardens.

To start the free tour, click here, or click the image below:

How to use the interface >>
The image below has guidance as to what each of the buttons on the Virtual Tour interface does. Please note that if your device has a touch sensitive screen, you can pan and zoom around panoramas using that. If you're using a computer with a mouse, you can click and drag to pan around the panoramas, and if you're using a mouse with a roller button, you can use that to zoom in and out.

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